Massage therapists offer a variety of traditional massage techniques allowing you to select the perfect nourishing and rejuvenating massage for any need you sports massage London may have. Regardless of the type of massage you prefer, always provide feedback to your therapist regarding pressure, temperature, and specific concerns to ensure that you get the best massage experience possible. So what are the types of massage that are most commonly performed?

Swedish is the type of massage that most often comes to mind when people think of massage. This is the traditional oiled massage of the muscles and soft tissues of the body performed using long flowing strokes. This technique brings relaxation to the body and aids the circulatory and lymphatic systems. The therapist typically uses pressure that is light to moderate.

This technique uses strong penetrating strokes, usually oiled but can be performed dry. The goal is to loosen and lengthen the deepest layers of musculature. The therapist will apply pressure to trigger points using fingers, fists, forearms and elbows. This type of massage has been shown to decrease spasms and break up muscle adhesions. But be warned, deep-tissue work can be painful but your body will thank you later!